Yesterday, I had my last appointment with the perinatologist, and we got a little surprise. William decided to flip around, so now he's breech. We figure he had enough of being head to head with his sister and both of them being smashed between my hip bones. I'm impressed that he found the motivation to move so much with so little room. I think it may explain some real discomfort I had over the weekend, though. So, while lots of women would be upset by this breech business, I'm ok with that, since it reaffirms my gut feeling to go ahead with a c section. Plus, I want him to be comfortable. Now his butt is against his sister's head. Typical. The ultrasound tech was nice enough to point out his fat rolls, so I look forward to him living up to his nickname.
Since it was our last appointment there, the perinatologist came to say goodbye and wish me luck. She commented on how glad she was that my pregnancy had been uncomplicated, and she joked that it was pretty boring. I am so happy to be boring in this situation! She asked me about the date for my scheduled c section, and when I told her it's the 23rd, she said we may want to talk to the OB about moving it up a couple of days so I could be home for Christmas. I told her this was the Christmas gift we'd been waiting for so long that we really didn't care if we were home. But she went on to say that the largest study done on outcomes of twins born at 37 vs 38 weeks gestation showed that those born at 37 weeks to mothers with no complications are healthier than those born at 38 weeks (due to how the placentas start to deteriorate earlier in twins). I talked to the OB today, and she said the hospital is booked for c sections Monday and Tuesday, but we could do it tomorrow! Um, well, that's pretty sudden! After talking with Matt, we decided to wait. The babies aren't showing any signs that they need to get out sooner than later, and one study of less than 300 people isn't necessarily the final say in what's "the best thing", so I'm just hoping that we made the right choice for them. I'm sure I'll be asking myself why I waited over the next 6 days as I hobble around feeling like my body is going to give out and my feet are going to explode.
It's a hard decision when you're asked to pick a day. Im sure the babies will be gray no matter what day they come and big!! Im so excited for you. I can't believe they're going to be here in less than a week!!